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czwartek, kwietnia 13, 2006

Local Coupons at Zixxo

Silicon Valley based Zixxo has launched a great service (...) local coupons via RSS. This is a very big market. Last year, 323 billion coupons were distributed in the U.S., and of those 4.5 billion were actually used (Zixxo has more coupon stats here).

If you are an advertiser you can try this out for free - Zixxo is not charging anything to advertisers for all of 2006. They have fairly robust tools for creating a coupon on the site, or advertisers can upload an existing offer. Coupons can be targeted locally or nationally, and there are other great features like "pause" to allow an advertiser to pull a coupon during busy periods. The eventual revenue model is to charge $0.50 per coupon printed (or click to an online offer) once they begin charging.

Local Coupons at Zixxo
